Welcome to The Supernatural Living Blog and Podcast by Datha Thomas, Founding Pastor of The Seed Church in Savannah,Ga. Pastor Datha was raised in the church. As a child, however, she became bitter toward God because of countless tragedies in her life. It was not until the age of 30 that she made a quality decision to go after the Lord wholeheartedly and be completely sold out to Him. Mustard Seed Faith Center was birthed out of Pastor Datha’s obedience to God and her desire to please Him. Her ministerial gifts were developed over the years under the mentorship of Reverend Emmanuel Dorgbadzi. She obtained an honorary Doctorate of Divinity at Jacksonville Theological Seminary and was ordained through the International Convention of Faith Ministers (ICFM) and by Reverend Emmanual Dorgbadzi of Great Commission Ministry.
Pastor Datha has a heart for God’s children and is drawn to missions. She has traveled the globe declaring the Word of God in Ghana, Thailand, Canada, Ukraine and Nigeria. She is known as a firecracker in the pulpit. Her sermons are practical and honest. She has the unique gift of helping others discover their gifts and callings, so they can walk in the fullness of what God has in store for them. The living, powerful and uncompromising Word of God she preaches exposes the religious traditions of bondage and frees the people to serve and worship God with a new enthusiasm.